Find the daily exchange rates for JPY/ARS and for all the top World currencies.
Today 1 Japanese Yen is worth 6.98261 ARS while 1 Argentine Peso is worth 0.14321 JPY.
Japanese Yen / Argentine Peso ratio is the value of the Japanese Yen in Argentine Peso.
JPY/ARS thus refers to the exchange rate of the Japanese Yen in Argentine Peso, ie the value of the Japanese currency expressed in Argentinian currency.
The notation used is JPY / ARS, but there are others, such as JPYARS or JPY-ARS. The symbol for JPY can be written ¥.
The symbol for ARS can be written $a.
JPY to ARS Exchange Rates Table
The Japanese Yen (JPY) is used as the main currency in the following countries: Japan
The Argentine Peso (Argentine Peso) is used as the main currency in the following countries: Argentina