Find the daily exchange rates for THB/ZAR and for all the top World currencies.
Today 1 Thai Baht is worth 0.54446 ZAR while 1 South African Rand is worth 1.83669 THB.
Thai Baht / South African Rand ratio is the value of the Thai Baht in South African Rand.
THB/ZAR thus refers to the exchange rate of the Thai Baht in South African Rand, ie the value of the Thai currency expressed in South African currency.
The notation used is THB / ZAR, but there are others, such as THBZAR or THB-ZAR. The symbol for THB can be written ฿.
The symbol for ZAR can be written R.
THB to ZAR Exchange Rates Table
The Thai Baht (THB) is used as the main currency in the following countries: Thailand
The South African Rand (South African Rand) is used as the main currency in the following countries: South Africa