Find the daily exchange rates for GBP/EUR and for all the top World currencies.
Today 1 United Kingdom Pound is worth 1.19724 EUR while 1 Euro is worth 0.83525 GBP.
United Kingdom Pound / Euro ratio is the value of the United Kingdom Pound in Euro.
GBP/EUR thus refers to the exchange rate of the United Kingdom Pound in Euro, ie the value of the English currency expressed in European currency.
The notation used is GBP / EUR, but there are others, such as GBPEUR or GBP-EUR. The symbol for GBP can be written £.
The symbol for EUR can be written €.
GBP to EUR Exchange Rates Table
The United Kingdom Pound (GBP) is used as the main currency in the following countries: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, United Kingdom
The Euro (Euro) is used as the main currency in the following countries: Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Slovakia, SloveniaSpain, Vatican City, Netherlands